Roseberry House

Where Growing Minds Become Happy, Inquisitive & Creative

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Charles Darwin Room, Sale Childcare Centre

Age Group: 6 weeks – 12 months

Class Size: 16

Class Overview

Named after acclaimed natural scientist, Charles Darwin, who spent most of his life exploring the diversity of living things with particular interest in adaptation. Similarly, children of this age are curious and readily adjust as they transition to a new environment.

Parents can feel confident knowing that their Educators are there to guide them as they become increasingly curious about their world, introducing experiences and supporting them to explore new surroundings and establish new relationships with carers and friends.

At this stage, we focus on activities that assist your child in establishing a strong foundation of social skills and an independent inquiring mind, coupled with fine motor skills and a basic introduction to concepts of numeracy and literacy. This formative period sets them up with the perfect platform from which to grow in future years.

A day in this room will usually

include activities such as:

Specialised Classes

Specialised classes include music, cooking, art and more to keep their day fun and informative.

Indoor and Outdoor Program

Providing time for indoor and outdoor play as well as educational programs.

Flexible Routine

Flexible routines keep each day interesting and enable children to explore, discover and rest as needed.

Contact us Today & get your children on track.